Thursday, September 20, 2007

It's been a while....

Yeah, so I haven't posted in a while. In the past 6 weeks, I have been drywalling, sanding, priming, painting, mopping, cleaning, scrubbing, etc, etc. I am SO sick of it. I personally think our house looks great now...I am biased however. Please someone buy it so I can stop obsessively cleaning it....and just go back to my usual only somewhat obsessive cleaning schedule....

Yeah, so in other news, the engine in the old van went out. I have hated the "Green Goblin" for as long as I have been forced to drive it (although Savannah absolutely loves it). The brakes went completely out on me twice in the last month and then the engine went. So, I got a new minivan. I like this one as I am the one that picked it. It is a Kia Sedona. It is black and even has a combo moonroof/sunroof, so even though I have to drive a minivan, I can feel a little bit sporty! I named her Black Beauty.

We leave for Utah on Tuesday....once again with mixed feelings. Because we stand to take a 10-20,000 loss on our house (yes that would be out of pocket), we will not be buying another house until we regroup that money. I think I will be picking up some PRN nursing shifts out there. We will be staying back and forth with my parents and in a hotel for about 7 weeks until our rental house is available. I am tired just thinking about it....

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Jess, I can't wait to see you again when you come back. I miss you tons! We went to the zoo on Thursday and Eila kept asking about Savannah and Caroline and simply didn't understand why they would not come in from Utah for our trip to the zoo!