Tuesday, February 26, 2008

More wait and see

Well, today I had my 3rd U/S. This time they sent me to the hospital to do a more in depth u/s because nothing is conclusive one way or the other. My u/s yesterday showed something in the sac and an umblical cord. Today we saw a small fetal pole, but no heartbeat. Either my dates are way off (which I can't imagine...I'm one of those fertility friend women!) or I just have to wait to naturally miscarry. My HCG (pregnancy hormone) numbers keep rising and my pg sx keep getting worse. I really just want to know one way or the other. I don't want to remain too hopeful, because then it just hurts worse.

Once again, we hope to get to close on our house this week. The appraisal came in less than our offer price, so we had to get the bank to accept a lower price because it was a foreclosure. It has been a mess! We were supposed ot have closed on the 18th. I really hope it happens soon, because between that mess and the pregnant/miscarry mess I am ready to commit myself!!


Anonymous said...

Jess, I'm so sorry and am praying for you like a crazy woman!

felixfantasticfour said...

Hi Jessica--Okay, I'm not a stalker. I was looking at Stephanie's blog, which I pretty much read daily, and saw your name and thought it looked familiar, and there you are!! And, I am so sorry you are going through this again. When I was pregnant with Ian, I had the same diagnosis, which would have made it the second miscarriage due to a blighted ovum (third total)--my pregnancy hormone levels didn't correlate with my due date--they were low--and some of my pregnancy symptoms didn't seem as pronounced as they had been. But, a week and a half later, there was a pole. A week and a half after that, there was a heartbeat. My levels went up from there--although they were lower than the "average womans". Every pregnancy is different and hormone levels can vary widely. Be encouraged to rest and wait on the Lord. I know you do this anyway-- I'll be praying for you and your family! Love, Sharmilla (P.S. I was hoping you'd be back to Bible study--we're in Romans now and have childcare every Thursday morning...)