Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Ideas I had on parenting BEFORE I had children

Before I actually had children, I thought I knew a lot about raising children and had certain ideas about how I would parent them. Of course, upon having children of my own, I realized that despite having a college degree in nursing specializing in neonatal and pediatrics and a few years experience as an aunt, nanny, and babysitter I know NOTHING!!! Now, I have to laugh when people without children spout off their theories about potty-training, feeding a child, controlling temper tantrums, etc. Wait until you have your own children...it is a whole different story.

Before I had kids, I was horrified at the sight of a young child on a "leash"/harness. I now own one, although I have only used it a handful of times. Before I had kids, I would see children 2+ in strollers and think their parents were lazy...now I understand the theory of containment. Before I had children, I knew my children would be potty trained by 18 months. Now, I change diapers on 2 children daily. Before I had children, I knew my children would eat whatever I put in front of them. Now, well...I still make Savannah at least try whatever I put in front of her, but she does eat a lot of chicken nuggets (yuck).

And, so I could go on. However, I think it is safe to say that we don't know until we are in the situation. I have learned to never judge another mother (or another person for that matter). You never know what she has or is going through. For the most part, we are all trying to do what is best for our kids and help them create magical childhoods, but we are after all, only human (but don't tell Savannah that...she still thinks I'm Supermommy...)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I KNOW that you are Super Mommy with tons of amazing powers! You are the most awesome mom that I know and I am honored to know you and your children! The lessons that you have learned are some of the hardest there are and prepare you for the most wonderful job in the world -GRANDMA!!!!

Love ya! Mom