Thursday, August 9, 2007

Romancing the Cupboards

I am one of those very lucky women who have a romantic husband....much more romantic than I could ever imagine being! Ben and I were painting our cupboards the other night and he puts on old romantic songs. I had to laugh because normally I wouldn't consider being covered in primer attractive...then again I am not a man! Ben thought it was cute, although I personally think he just likes having a wife who knows how to handle a power drill and orbital sander....hmmm

I decided today that having 3 kids wouldn't be too big of a deal. I have such fun with the 3 kids that I think I wouldn't mind it. I have even figured out a way to still get stuff done around the house. Kids are great you know!?! They sure keep me humble. They pick up EVERYTHING you say... Savannah told me to "give her a break" today...wonder where she learned that ;)

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